Is Earth truly round?
2017-05-16 05:00:48 UTC
If you place a ruler or any other straight object on a smooth surface such as a floor, you will obviously see that our planet does not "curve" or is "round" at all.

Also, we are the center of our solar system. If we are truly orbiting around the Stun at such a fast speed, why is smoke able to rise straight up? Why are we able to jump and not be thrown to the side? We are the center, and everything orbits around us. The solar systems maps are perfectly accurate, just switch the Sun and Earth around.

The only explanation is that Earth is flat. Earth looks like what it is on the UN symbol, except a for a few differences. For example, UN forgot to include the Artic wall that holds our oceans in, preventing them from falling into oblivion. UN most likely did this on purpose because they are trying to keep the Artic wall a secret anyway.

As you can see, I believe the Earth is flat and is not at all round. Many people say I am a lunatic, and I am here to ask people to prove my facts wrong.
Eighteen answers:
2017-05-20 07:48:54 UTC
I believe that earth is round.
2017-05-20 05:03:25 UTC
You're almost all the way down that rabbit hole. Right now you're studying geocentrism and on your way to flat earth. You'll soon find out -please don't give up- that the solar system is not exactly as shown with the sun and earth flipped. It's not like that at all. First of all Genesis says God created the sun, moon and stars. It says nothing about planets. Planets are just wandering stars, and btw, that's what they used to be called! Also God says he put the sun and moon IN the firmament. The firmament, it says in a later book of the OT, is like beaten metal or molten looking-glass. Take of that what you will. The whole space thing is yet another fallacy. The flat earth is a real mind blower, but once you get through the veil of deceptions and really look around you, observe the sky, you'll see it. The earth is flat, because water always finds its level. And God's throne sits above the firmament, which divides the waters from the waters. Trust God, and no man.
2017-05-19 14:27:10 UTC
Yes and no its not flat but it isnt 100% round either. The proof? Lots of it. Its round cause if it was flat there would only be 1 time zone which isnt true. And it wouldnt be possible fornit to be night time in some part of the world and day time in another at the samwbtime. Its also actually a myth that people thought earth was flat. Columbus never thought that the main major relgious group didnt even people as far back as isac newton and Galileo knew
Tom S
2017-05-17 18:39:55 UTC
No, it is roughly an oblate spheroid in shape.
2017-05-17 01:13:38 UTC
That's fine hon, you go right ahead and believe whatever you like. Don't let science or facts stop you.
2017-05-16 13:48:52 UTC
How is it that you were let out of your cell, you have nice padded walls and you get three squares a day and you even get those nice pink tablets to stop you having these strange thoughts, come on then back to your cot and get your afternoon nap.
Cal King
2017-05-16 05:39:03 UTC
It is not perfectly round.
2017-05-16 05:28:02 UTC then how come pictures taken on top of Mt. Everest show the curvature of the earth? Or pictures from the Concord or HIGH ALTITUDE planes? The earth has been proven to be round ad nauseum, nobody cares if you don't believe it is, you want to be moron it's completely your choice.
2017-05-16 05:16:53 UTC
yes it is but its kinda like a sphere you should study geometry or geology..
The First Dragon
2017-05-16 05:11:30 UTC
Yes, that is why we are able to use Euclidean geometry when measuring the land. If the world were a sphere, it would not work.
2017-05-19 05:22:31 UTC
Reported as a rant.
2017-05-17 17:37:16 UTC
What is the point of the question when you aint interested in the answers?
2017-05-16 15:11:00 UTC
It is not spherical it is an oblate spheroid
2017-05-16 13:49:45 UTC
educate yourself, and you will understand.

all will make sense.

listen to idiots, and you die as stupid as those idiots.
2017-05-16 11:52:14 UTC
Lay a million rulers end to end and then tell me that the earth is flat. You WILL have a problem of either rulers that are not in a plane or line of rulers that leaves the ground. Lack of visual acuity to see small distances and items does not mean that such small gaps and objects do not exist.

Or perhaps you would happily drink water that I claim has cholera bacteria in it and you cannot possibly know because you see nothing. Denial does not impose reality.
2017-05-16 06:45:26 UTC
You can try to find a good book of History of Science and read about how we first managed to measure the curvature of Earth and to prove the validity of the heliocentric model. It's actually an history on several centuries, from Antiquity to Renaissance, which is much longer and more complex than people usually imagine.

But nowadays those debates makes no sense any more because we don't need indirect computations any more: we can just TRAVEL around the world in every direction (including on the Arctic, which had obviously no wall to stop us), or we can SEE the Earth from the space. Just turn on Google Earth and you'll see by yourself that the Earth is round, through a simple set of pictures with no mathematical treatment involved.
2017-05-16 06:38:50 UTC
Comprehensive rebuttal in series of videos: link to first one below.
2017-05-16 05:16:13 UTC

Im going to answer this as if it were serious..

So, responding point by point..

- flat edges measure floors in buildings to be flat because we make the floor flat. the shape of floors has nothing to do with the shape of the planet

- Smoke raises straight up (when there is no wind) because the air is moving WITH the planet,

- we can jump straight up because we are moving with the planet, just like when you are in a moving train and you jump, you dont move backwards relative to the train.

Having grown up on a mountain by the ocean, i can attest to the fact that the horizon is definitely NOT flat.

One thing you can do is to 'draw' a HUGE triangle on the earth, if you mark a spot on a flat surface, go 100km forward, turn 120 degrees left, walk another 100km turn another 120 degrees left, then walk a final 100km, you would end up where you started, do this on a curved surface and you dont end up where you started, this is how we originally measured the size of the earth, and its curvature.

If you think the earth is flat... go up a skyscraper or mountain, get a telescope and peek in the window of a skyscraper in China...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.