Good idea.
Forget about human rights. women and men should be sterilised after the first child is born.
What about natures rights?
We are completely overpopulated, with most people in the West being gross fat useless lumps and the rest of the world are following us, argh!
There is no room left for the rest of the diverse animals and nature on our precious planet. We are ruining it.
Ban meat, fish poultry, eggs, and dairy foods.
Everyone should become vegetarian. It takes less space to produce crops, approximately one eighth of the equivalent to meat
I am 62 and have been a vegetarian now fo 43 years and I am very healthy, slim and young looking.
I have a very varied diet and it is not at All boring.
My meat eating friends are never disappointed when they come for dinner.
We should make methane gas from our human waste to power our electricity generators and use the remaining solids for fertiliser, instead of chemicals. Also develop alternative power sources urgently. But not nuclear.
Ban imports of food. Only eat what you grow in the country that you live in. Organic vegetable growing takes more labour, so people can work out side in a healthy way instead of factories and offices.
This is how it was before we discovered oil, and everything was organic because we did not discover chemicals and we did not have ships.
It is possible now to have a more diverse modern vegetarian diet now, because we have developed agriculturally.
Think of all the new vegetables that we now have and can grow in our own country, that were not known by our grandparents.
Instigate one child per one family only. Then our numbers in time, would reduce.
If we don't do something soon, there is likely to be a global catastrophe.
There will be mass migration from people whose lands have become deserts, there will be wars over water rights and there will be wars over oil and gas distribution etc etc.