As in "aligning-along-a-straight-line -we-will-be-able-to-see -from-earth-that-can-pull-only-the -top-of-our-planet-so-that -it-flips-end-over-end" coming together type of coming together???? No, but thanks for asking. You have my permission to stick your tongue out at whatever fool tried to make you believe this Chicken Little hoax.
I think your family car has more gravitational effect on your own body than all the other planets in our solar system combined. Lock the parking brake and see just how much force you can expend trying to even make it budge. Bend over and push as hard as you can then lean back and observe. Did you stick to your car? Did it flip you head over head? Good, next question.
And no they aren't drifting together as neither orbital mechanics nor current astronomical knowledge support that--in fact it is the opposite. The sun--that GV2 star in the center of our solar system, is losing mass by the second( 4million tonnes/sec) therefore gravitational attraction and the planets are slowly orbit by orbit moving moving away from the sun NOT moving together The orbits are complicated by resonances which cause the planets of today to continue orbital migration albeit very slow even by human standards.
"The Sun sends out about 4 x 10^33 ergs/sec of energy. Einstein's mass-energy relation is E = m c^2. Thus the equivalent mass loss of all this energy loss is m = 4 x 10^33 ergs/sec divided by the speed of light squared, (3 x 10^10 cm/sec)^2. This gives a mass loss of 4 x 10^12 grams/sec or about 4 million metric tons per second." --and this is just in energy conversion and not by solar wind matter particles. A loss of mass takes away a proportional amount of gravitational attraction from the main mass.