Stream and River Assessments
Wetland Delineations and Assessments
Abandoned Mine Reclamation/Restoration
Environmental Permitting
Education and Outreach
Lake View Landfill Stream Study
Robinson Fork Ecological Assessment
Ohio River Fishery Survey for the Montgomery Pool
Scrubgrass Creek Watershed Assessment and Restoration Plan
Lake View Landfill Stream Study
The Lake View Landfill Stream Study is a multi-phase project involving the relocation of over 4,000 feet of an impacted stream to allow for the creation of significantly increased air space for a proposed landfill expansion. The first step in this project was the development of a methodology for the quantitative assessment of macroinvertebrates in the impacted stream and a nearby reference stream. The methodology was developed by Aquascape to meet the requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (PA DEP) Guidelines for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Stream Surveys for Landfills (June 1988). Following field meetings with PA DEP personnel and approval of the macroinvertebrate sampling methodology, sampling stations were selected along the impacted tributary and the selected reference reach. In addition to macroinvertebrate sampling, the field investigation included water quality sampling, calculation of stream flows, measurement of variables that influence stream pattern morphology, and a habitat assessment.
At each sampling station, macroinvertebrate sampling consisted of three replicate samples of similar depth, flow, and substrate type and utilized a modified 900-micron Surber sampler with cod end to collect the macroinvertebrate samples. Because the streams have a rather limited width, sampling began with the first replicate at the downstream end of the riffle and proceeded upstream to collect the remaining replicate samples. This approach was taken, rather than cross-sectioning the stream at a particular point, to space sampling gear further apart and reduce the problem of clustered distributions. Initial sorting was conducted, and no subsampling occurred. Sorted samples were then transported to the Forest Resources Laboratory at Penn State University for identification to Genus level whenever possible. Exceptions were aquatic worms (Oligochaeta) and midge larvae (Chironomidae), which were taken to Class and Family level, respectively. Macroinvertebrate community evaluation included the following:
Taxa richness – the total number of the variety of taxa present at each station, which should increase with increasing water quality (Klemm et al. 1990).
Total EPT taxa – Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera are generally considered to be pollution-sensitive orders of insects; therefore, the total number of mayfly, stonefly, and caddisfly genera usually increases with increasing water quality (Klemm et al. 1990).
EPT/EPT + Chironomidae ratio – since EPT taxa are known to be mostly intolerant and the family Chironomidae (at least as a whole) is generally considered tolerant and often dominates polluted situations, the ratio of EPT taxa to the total of EPT + Chironomidae should increase with decreased environmental impact.
Relative abundance of intolerant and tolerant taxa – tolerance values were developed for individual taxa in order to summarize the ability of a macroinvertebrate community to tolerate pollution, primarily organic enrichment. Streams dominated by tolerant species and lacking intolerants indicate pollution. Tolerance values were obtained from Bode et al. 1996. Cutoff points for intolerant and tolerant were taken from Maxtead et al. (2000).
Relative abundance of predator and omnivore taxa – although the utility of including feeding strategies in assessments is not always clear, stressed conditions are often reflected by an imbalance in functional feeding groups. Specialists (e.g. predators) often decrease and generalists increase as habitats are impacted and heterogeneity is lost (Barbour et al. 1999, Kearns and Karr 1994).
Shannon Diversity index – Diversity measures are commonly used to assess the adverse effects of pollution by comparing communities. Species diversity values increase the utility of taxa richness by also including an evenness component that helps identify increases in abundance (dominance) of particular taxa. Communities with high species diversity values are usually well-balanced and least stressed while those subject to disturbance respond by losses of some species and dominance by others (Klemm et al. 1990).
Jaccard Coefficient of Community – this measurement reflects the degree of similarity in the taxa present between two stations or two streams in terms of presence/absence and discriminates between highly similar collections (Klemm et al. 1990).
These metrics were evaluated by comparing differences observed between the two tributaries and by comparing differences between stations within the tributary being investigated for relocation. Water quality sampling was conducted using a Corning Checkmate II meter, which indicated pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature. When turbidity was present at sampling locations, it was noted but was not quantified. Stream flows were estimated utilizing the stream flow calculation recommended by the US EPA Office of Water for monitoring water quality.
The physical assessment of the impacted stream and reference stream included the quantification of specific habitat parameters, which provide information regarding availability of appropriate fish habitat, stream substrate, stream channel condition, evidence of sediment deposition, condition of stream banks, and bank vegetation. Scores assigned to the individual habitat parameters are added to obtain a final score, which provides a general indication of the category (optimal, suboptimal, marginal, or poor) of the stream reach being assessed. The composition of the stream substrate and percent riffle, pool, and run within the stream reach was also recorded, along with the dominant vegetation within the stream reach of each sampling station. The physical assessment also included field measurements to document variables influencing stream pattern morphology (i.e. bankfull width, mean bankfull depth, and flood-prone width, width to depth ratio, and entrenchment ratio). Other important stream characteristics, such as sinuosity and channel slope, were determined from large scale site maps and aerial photos. The width to depth ratios, entrenchment ratios, sinuosity, and channel slope were used in conjunction with the predominant component of the stream substrate to determine the stream type at each waypoint. Based on stream type and published findings, management interpretations were made with regard to sensitivity to disturbance, recovery potential, sediment supply, and streambank erosion potential.
The field investigation illustrated the anthropogenic impacts to the stream being investigated and provided a benchmark for reference in the development of the conceptual plan for the stream relocation. Following completion of the quantitative assessment and PA DEP’s approval, an assessment of the receiving stream was conducted to identify other opportunities for stream enhancement. Wetland areas were also investigated to identify opportunities for wetland construction and enhancement. A conceptual stream replacement plan was then prepared and submitted to the PA DEP that included conceptual stream design, proposed stream enhancements, and wetland and riparian corridor design. Approval of the conceptual design has been obtained and a final design and Chapter 105 permit application will be prepared in 2002. Construction of the stream relocation and proposed stream enhancements will follow approval of the permit application.
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Robinson Fork Ecological Assessment
The overriding purpose of this study was to assess the effects of land surface subsidence associated with longwall mining on water resources in southwestern Pennsylvania. In particular, aquatic habitats and biological communities in a mined and unmined reach of Robinson Fork were characterized and compared where appropriate. Consol’s Enlow Fork Mine extends beneath a substantial portion of the Robinson Fork Watershed. The mine layout consists of gates that are 260 to 270 feet wide and intervening panels of mined coal that are 900 to 1,000 feet across and approximately 8,500 feet long. The panels of extracted coal are oriented nearly perpendicular to the stream channel beneath the mined study area. A completed report detailing the methods and findings of the study has not yet been released by DEP, however a description of the innovative methods developed for this assessment and preliminary findings are briefly discussed.
Following an extensive literature review, stream assessment methodologies were surveyed and modified to meet the needs and limitations of this research project. In particular, a classification system and field methodology was developed that could measure in-stream physical conditions for specific habitat types (i.e., channel units) and could also be directly related to fish community data collected for the same sample unit. This channel unit assessment approach had not been previously tested in Pennsylvania nor had these methods been used to detect or measure changes in stream channel characteristics and their associated fisheries. Channel units were visually classified in the field and cross-checked by calculating and then clustering channel units using Froude numbers. An advantage of the Froude number is that it is a non-dimensional number and does not appear to scale with downstream changes in discharge. Following collection of the channel unit physical data and fishery data, and their entry into database management systems, current statistical techniques were used to characterize and compare the data.
Analysis of the channel unit and fishery data showed that the newly developed methods were sensitive enough to detect differences between the mined and unmined reaches of Robinson Fork and that the data could be successfully aggregated (for reach comparisons) or disaggregated (for channel unit comparisons). When judged against another methodology that was utilized to compare the same two reaches of Robinson Fork, the channel unit approach proved to be scale appropriate, more sensitive, and generally superior. These findings will provide valuable insight into continued research on habitat alteration and fish community response in Pennsylvania streams and can also be utilized for long term monitoring and restoration assessments.
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Ohio River Fishery Survey for the Montgomery Pool
This survey was conducted to support a Harbor Permit application for the Colona Terminal on the Ohio River, which required the construction of an embedded barge offloading facility to continue operations. A PAFBC review of the Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory (PNDI) database records for this general area identified four rare or protected species. PAFBC personnel indicated that they possessed no fishery information for this section of the Ohio River and an electrofishing site survey would be required. The stipulation by the PAFBC that an electrofishing survey could only be conducted during the summer low-flow months threatened to delay the project, and would likely have resulted in the terminal’s temporary closure, forcing layoffs at the facility. In response to this situation, Aquascape and its associates located and secured fishery data for the Montgomery Pool from a secondary source, the Ohio River Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO). ORSANCO files contained 57,00 lines of fisheries data that had been collected between 1957 and 1999. The data was imported, screened, and analyzed for those areas near the proposed site to supply the PAFBC with the required biological information.
Because river conditions and barge traffic have changed over time, only data collected during the 1990s was utilized to support the permit application. Fishery data was selected based on its proximity to the proposed barge site. Additional data collected from rotenone sampling in the lock chamber in 1995 and 1999 was also used for comparative purposes. Lastly, data for the entire Montgomery Pool collected from 1990 – 1999 was aggregated to produce a complete species list. Fishery data was used to calculate three community metrics; Species Richness, Shannon-Weiner Diversity, and Evenness. Generally, species richness was found to vary significantly within the Montgomery Pool and at the lock chambers. Locations of low and high species richness were identified, as were occurrences of threatened, endangered, and/or candidate species found in samples taken during the 1990 – 1999 period.
The development of navigation structures generally has a negative effect on river fisheries by blocking fish passage, creating sediment traps, and reducing habitat diversity. The development of elongated pool habitats or slack waters, like the Montgomery Pool, at the expense of riffles and runs restricts or eliminates some fish species. Reduced oxygen levels, turbidity from barge traffic, and the pollutants from associated industry further reduce intolerant species, often producing fish communities with low species richness, low diversity, and domination by a few moderately to highly tolerant species. This appears to be the case in the Montgomery Pool, where many species that are intolerant are either absent or collected infrequently. In contrast, several species that favor pool habitats and are tolerant of chronic disturbance(s) have come to dominate the fishery. Two tolerant species, the Gizzard Shad and Freshwater Drum currently dominate the Montgomery Pool, whereas intolerant species like the Mooneye and Skipjack Herring are only occasionally found.
Following the analysis of ORSANCO data, a mitigation plan was developed to offset potential impacts to species of concern and allow for a favorable review of the permit application. A field investigation was conducted to map the horizontal profile of the shoreline at the proposed mitigation area and downstream to the proposed embedded barge facility. Despite being shallow, less than 10-feet deep, the river bottom within the proposed mitigation area lacked suitable structures to provide quality habitat and flow velocity fluctuation. The substrate is primarily composed of small diameter mill slag, mill sand, and some gravel.
The shoal enhancement/mitigation area was designed and constructed to cover approximately 4,200 ft2 of shallow water habitat including cobble fields, boulder clusters, gravel/cobble spawning shoal, and a broken wing-deflector with cobble chutes. The placement of the underwater structures facilitates flow velocity fluctuation and provides additional habitat opportunities for fish species known to inhabit the Montgomery Pool. The broken wing-deflector provides localized areas of high velocity and low velocity flows within the mitigation area, providing suitable conditions for a diversity of species. The placement of boulder clusters within the mitigation area creates low velocity areas that will retain smaller diameter cobble and gravel, allowing for a variety of habitats within the mitigation area.
In order to obtain regulatory approval, a monitoring plan was prepared. Two monitoring events will be conducted by Aquascape and its associates to provide information regarding the degree of utilization by aquatic animals and the physical condition of the habitat enhancement structures. The biological monitoring will be conducted by electro-fishing over the mitigation area and a reference area to provide insight into the utilization of habitat enhancement structures within the mitigation area. A qualitative macroinvertebrate assessment will also be included in the biological assessment. The physical condition of the habitat improvement structures will be monitored to identify evidence of substrate migration and deposition, as well as evaluate flow rates and flow variability throughout the mitigation area. To ensure meaningful physical measurements during monitoring, as-built construction drawings were completed following construction of the mitigation area. The information collected during the monitoring events will be compared with the mitigation area as constructed and reference area, to gain insight into the success and sustainability of the habitat enhancement structures.
The accumulation, analysis, and presentation of ORSANCO data, combined with the development of a mitigation area to provide habitat opportunities for the species of concern and other fish species within the Montgomery Pool, allowed for a timely permit review and approval for the expansion at the Colona Terminal.
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Scrubgrass Creek Watershed Assessment and Restoration Plan
The Scrubgrass Creek watershed is located in northwestern Pennsylvania in southern Venango County and northern Butler County. Scrubgrass Creek is a third order stream that originates north of Wesley and flows north and east to its confluence with the Allegheny River at Kennerdell. The watershed is small, with 73 miles of perennial and intermittent stream channels that drain approximately 25,524 acres.
Land use in the Scrubgrass Watershed has been historically dominated by forestry and resource extraction (surface mining and oil production). Surface mining occurred in approximately 25 percent of the watershed with many areas not being properly reclaimed. Many of these abandoned sites produce acid mine drainage that has largely eliminated Scrubgrass Creek’s trout fishery and reduced its biological integrity. Further impacts to Scrubgrass Creek are contributed by abandoned oil wells that transport AMD directly to the mainstem or its tributaries.
In 1997, a planning grant from the Pennsylvania Rivers Conservation Plan was used to develop a detailed assessment of currently available information for the Scrubgrass Creek Watershed relating to environmental, recreational, cultural, and economic activities and issues. Historical data were collected from available sources (Operation Scarlift, Venango County Planning Commission, PAFBC, DEP-Bureau of Mine Reclamation and Bureau of Oil and Gas Management, DCNR) and new data were developed from extensive interpretation and mapping of natural resources and land uses from low altitude aerial photography obtained from NRCS (1:3000 – 1:6000). New data layers were developed and analyzed using ESRI’s Arc/Info and ArcView geographic information system software.
The initial assessment directed the development of a second study, begun in July 2000, designed to collect new data from a comprehensive physical, hydrological, and biological assessment of the watershed. This new data was used to characterize physical and biological conditions in the watershed, identify pollution sources and quantify their environmental impact, assess cumulative impacts, and provide the necessary information to develop and implement a watershed restoration plan.
Watershed data was developed over an eighteen-month period across a monitoring network of thirty water quality stations and twenty-two corresponding locations where fisheries and habitat data were collected. Water samples were analyzed for 16 parameters, entered into a digital database, and analyzed with Systat statistical software. Stream habitat was assessed following the Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI) protocol developed by Ohio EPA and compared where appropriate. Fish were collected following Ohio EPA methods for electro-fishing in wadeable streams and rivers. Because no Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) for fish communities currently exists for Pennsylvania, a modified IBI was developed internally. This IBI was based on Ohio EPA’s IBI, but modified to reflect fish species distribution and disturbance tolerance/intolerance particular to the Allegheny Plateau.
Field surveys were conducted to ground-truth known pollution sources and identify and plot new locations with global positioning systems technology. Approximately 60 well locations and 2 major AMD seeps were confirmed and mapped. On-site inspections and water quality/quantity evaluations were used to design treatment options, provide basic data for engineering planning and cost estimates, and allow the research team to prioritize and group pollution sources for subsequent restoration. Lastly, restoration and financial plans were presented to local stakeholders, community leaders, and partners to facilitate grant preparation and submission.
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Wetland and Environmental Services
Contact Dave Jessloski
200 Neville Road Phone: (724) 458-6610
Neville Island , PA 15225 Fax: (412) 777-6684