2013-08-09 07:54:49 UTC
I have two idea for review and publish.
1. peer review journal or web page(I think that is expensive and that is very formal).
2. send to government earth scientist via E-mail and request to feedback and review.(but I don't know this help to publish)
My method and theory is helps to everyone predict earthquake and forecast (I think my method must need government scientist approved). My weak point is I'm not professional scientist, I'm just final year commerce student and I don't know about peer review method. My method easily test and zero cost.
I need answer following,
1. Anyone suggest me web site for free peer review(earthquake related journal or science community and web page or E-mail) or
2. Suggest me government(NASA, ISRO etc.,) scientist E-mail or government web page.
3. I'm also interested to send my method to Nobel prize in physics( I think this is eligible and I don't know process for send)
my past earthquake prediction and forecast tests in my blog: earthstatus.blogspot.in