Lord is correct about the poles in question and the orientation of a compass needle before and after a pole reversal.
To be more explicit, the supporting evidence for pole reversal was found in the rocks on either side of the mi-ocean ridge. The mid-ocean ridge is a divergent boundary. At that location two of the earth's lithospheric plates are pulling away from each other, thereby thinning the plates.
This thinning allows magma to rise and flow onto the ocean floor as lava. The magnetic minerals in that lava will orient themselves toward the magnetic north pole as would any magnetic substance. When the lava cools and hardens, the orientation of the molecules are locked into place.
Also, the new lava is pushing the seafloor away from the mid-ocean ridge on both sides of the ridge. That seafloor continues to be pushed away and is eventually subducted under a continental plate at a convergent boundary.
When a pole reversal occurs, the orientation of the molecules in the magnetic lava also change creating a record for examination.
As technology advanced, it became possible to obtain samples of the seafloor rocks. When examined, it was discovered that the orientation of the rocks on one side of the mid-ocean ridge were a mirror image of the rocks on the other side.
Not only was this supporting evidence for the theory of sea floor spreading, it also gave a recod of pole reversals in much the same manner that a geologic column reveals information about earth's past.
These reversals happen infrequently-on average every 250,000 years. It's been over 700,000 years since the last reversal, and the next one may be currently underway.
Scientists have been observing changes in the direction of earth's magnetic field which took place recently as well as in the distant past. NASA’s website features a map showing the gradual northward migration of the north magnetic pole in the past century and a half. Since more than double the time interval has elapsed since the last reversal, compared to the time lapse between the previous two pole reversals, some believe we may be overdue for the next north-south flip.
The weakening of earth’s magnetism is one of the factors believed to be predictive of a pole reversal. That magnetic field reversals have occurred in the past is confirmed in the geological record. What is unclear is how precisely the transition occurs, and what happens to life forms at the time of this pole flip.