Think about it. In school you didn't learn much about "Black" people. You learned only of white history, a history that consisted of cannibalism and cave men. This was when Africa was considered primitive. Once society started to learned of the great wonders of Africa (i.e. Pyramids and Hieroglyphics) the European scholars conformed their findings and teachings to place their origins in the middle of ancient colored (Black or Arab) civilization by stating that all men are from Africa and white Jewish slaves build Pyramids for white Pagan Pharisees in an Egyptian desert. In regard to those "Jews" the President of Egypt Stated "You left BLACK, but came back white" (someones lying). [(digression) I have heard Jews attempt to respond by saying the Jews had been turned dark by the desert, but once they left their pigment returned. but BLACKS have been removed from the desert for centuries yet they remain "Black". (Someones lying) Rev 2:9 "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." ] As far as intellect goes, if white people were snatched from America, separated, tortured, and enslaved in a foreign land with a foreign language and denied basic liberties (i.e. freedom, liberty) and denied not only the right to receive an education, but the right to educate ones self how "smart" would they be. What you see before in regards to the state of African Americans is a result of such slavery and oppression. Not to mention corporate manipulation and social injustice. But a little food for thought. Once upon a time blacks were not allowed to play baseball. Once that changed, the few who did choose to play became the greatest in the history of the game (i.e. Hank Arron, Jackie Robinson). Blacks weren't allowed to play football or basketball either. Now both of those sports are not only predominately black, but has made jokes of predominately white sports (baseball, Hockey). Merriam Websters dictionary now contains words that were once considered slang, or Ebonics a form of creole spoken by "Black" people. White suburban kids everywhere now listens to "Black" music and where "Black" clothing. Marshall Mathers (Eminem) said "I am the worst thing since Elvis Presley to do BLACK music so successfully, and use it to get myself wealthy" (Without me). Elvis was known for stealing from African Americans and became the greatest performer in white history. African American such as, Malcolm X, Tupac Shakur,Oprah Winfrey, Martin King Jr.,Sean Combs and many more have shown that given a fair opportunity to openly express themselves "Blacks" are not only as valuable but possibly more valuable to the U.S. and the World. Like training in weighted clothing, black are held down and their potential bottled and capped. Once the restrictions are removed and the playing field is even the lease bit leveled there are no limits to what "Blacks" can accomplish.
P.S. Don't worry about us, we are not your problem. The money we get in welfare is given back in the $300 billion we spend annually.